Coaching and Training

Hi friend,

It's an honor to be a part of your journey. Below you'll see a few options for our partnership together. Please take a moment to review the options to find the right fit for you.


  • Your coaching session(s) or training is not considered confirmed until payment is received (I'm sure you understand).
  • Once payment is received, you will receive instructions by email to schedule your call(s) or training day(s).

To qualify, you agree to the following:

  • You want a true, guided experience — not another commitment where you get loaded down with distractions that do nothing to advance your success.
  • You're willing to invite me in to get to know you and to speak into your life/work.
  • You understand that making a financial investment is important to getting maximum value and results.
  • You understand that the true value isn't in the "time" that we spend together, but having direct access to the ideas we share together that could turn into significant revenue.
  • You are not an excuse-maker, but an action-taker.

Our time together is priority to me, so you can rest assured you will have access to whatever resources, connections, and strategies I can provide in order to help you succeed.

Coaching sessions include a recorded zoom video or phone call held twice a month. The 2-Day Intensive Training option can be used for on-site or virtual training. If travel is requested, travel expenses may apply.

To secure your spot on my calendar, select your choice using the buttons below or send an email here to request an invoice. Thanks!


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